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Deur Prime RO
Deur Prime Commercial Water Purifier is a 6 stage purification system that purifies water from 25 LPH to 150 LPH (liters per hour) and is ideal for commercial places, such as schools, offices, universities, etc.
Deur Prime 150 ensures Double purification where the initial purification is through RO Membrane, having porosity as fine as 0.0001 microns, effectively removes even dissolved impurities ( hard salts, heavy metals, etc ) and the double purification by Ultra Violet ensures protection against bacteria’s and viruses making your drinking water 100 % pure and safe.
DEUR IND RO Systems are designed for a variety of industrial & commercial needs requiring high quality equipment with a fast delivery and competitive price. These pre-engineered, pre-assembled and factory tested units minimize installation and start-up time. With simple utility connections and easy to set up controls, the unit is ready for quick on-line service. The control system is an advanced microprocessor based system that is very easy to use.
DEUR IND RO Systems are available in flow rates varying from 0.25 M3/hr. to 100 M3/hr built with high quality 4 and 8 inch semi permeable membrane and equipment’s for variety of applications.

Deur DM RO
Demineralisation is the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process or RO technology. With most natural water sources it is possible to use Demineralisation and produce water of a higher quality than conventional distillation.
Deur Water has custom-built Demineralised Water plant for industrial process water applications, with inherent design to conserve water, and save costs. The DM Plants are available in different sizes and materials, manually operated or fully Automatic, & ready to install & are available as standard models or custom built versions.
Deur Dispensers
It is critical to adopt or switch to inbuilt purification processes in the water cooler. We ensure instant supply of good quality drinking water through reliable cooling systems, RO purification and contaminant filtration – all within the same housing, integrating the systems together for seamless, efficient operation. They are therefore comprehensive and compact solutions for safe and clean drinking water.
Deur Dispenser range of storage water coolers with inbuilt RO System is also designed for faster cooling and with larger storage tanks, to cater to schools, colleges, corporates, factories, hospitals, and public spaces such as railway stations, airports, pilgrim centres.

Deur WTP
Filtration plays an important role in the natural treatment of groundwater as it percolates through the soil. It is also a major part of most water treatment. Groundwater that has been softened, or treated through iron and manganese oxidation, requires filtration to remove floc created by coagulation or oxidation processes. Since surface water is subject to run-off and does not undergo natural filtration, it must be filtered to remove particles and impurities.
Depending upon the application and client requirement, water treatment plants are designed by using relevant filter media to remove contaminants
Deur ACF
Activated carbon filter, principle media is activated carbon supporting with gravel, pebble, and sand. Activated Carbon is an effective method for adsorbing organics, removal of chlorine, Color & odor from water. Activated carbon-based filter water passed through activated carbon have an optimum iodine valve to remove color odor and chlorine from water & wastewater. The treated water is free from chlorine, ammonia mixtures, and organic compounds.
We Design, Manufacture and Install activated carbon filters (ACF) for Industrial, Commercial, and Domestic water treatment.

Deur PSF
Sand filtration is the most popular method to remove turbidity and TSS from water. The Pressure Sand Filter consists of multiple layers of sand which vary in size and specific gravity. These filters are designed to remove turbidity and suspended particles present in the feed water with minimum pressure drop. These filters are custom designed to suit the process requirement. These filters are offered in Mild Steel, FRP, or Stainless Steel construction with face piping and associated Valves.
Deur Iron Filter
Iron and manganese water problems in the water supply are a common complaint and can be very unpleasant and dangerous for the householder. In high concentrations, it can cause the water to become brown and undrinkable, and even if it is present in small amounts it can result in unsightly brown stains on baths and sinks, tiles, dishwashers, washing machines, showers, and clothing.
Deur Iron Filter is a cost-effective answer to all of these problems. The Iron Removal Filters are designed to remove the Excess Iron content present in the feed water with minimum pressure drop.

Deur Softeners
Hard water causes a risk of limescale deposits in industrial, commercial, and household water systems. It can clog pipes, damage boilers, heat exchangers, and many other devices. Limescale deposits also damage commercial machinery, such as laundry machines.
WHAT DO WATER SOFTENERS DO? Industrial water softener systems are specific ion exchangers that are designed to remove ions that are positively charged. Water softening contributes to the improved working, and longer lifespan of solar heating systems, air conditioning units, and many other water-reliant systems.

In most Cities we see water overflowing our drains and lying stagnant in puddles. The Sewage water generated from residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial establishments has a hidden potential in addressing water scarcity in cities. The Sewage wastewater can be recycled and reused for gardening, washing, and other non-critical use
The Deur’s Cutting-Edge water purification Technology can revamp sewage water into freshwater resources for human consumptions.
Deur is recognized as a successful trader and manufacturers of Sewage Treatment Plants in the market.
Greywater can be defined as any domestic wastewater produced, excluding sewage. The main difference between grey water and sewage or black water is the organic loading.
Typically the organic loading in greywater is less when compared to sewage water.Greywater may be contaminated with a wide range of insoluble and soluble substances such as detergent, dirt, lint, human hair, kitchen outlets, and other impurities this water is nutrient-rich but provides ideal conditions for bacteria to multiply, resulting in odor problems and poor water quality. Which can be recycled and used for laundry, toilet flushing, and irrigation of plants.

Resource Recovery process is achieved by using wastes/effluents as an input material to create valuable products. This reduces the amount of waste generated, thereby reducing the landfill space, and optimizing the values created from waste. It also reduces the need to use the raw materials in the manufacturing process. Materials found in municipal solid waste, construction & demolition waste, commercial waste, and industrial waste can be used again.
Resource recovery Plant reduces both the energy and resources used to produce the products consumed by the industries daily. Through sustainability, we can reduce the harm created by the waste culture and sourcing practices that are damaging the planet.
Industries like Automobile, Textile, chemicals, and Pharmaceuticals Generate contaminated wastewater containing toxic and non-toxic chemicals like petroleum hydrocarbons, grease, Suspended solids, surfactants, organic and other inorganic contents Polluting sensitive water Resources and Environment which crucially requires suitable treatment.
As a Result Deur’s Effluent treatments Plants (ETP) are prioritizing in all industrial sectors for safe Treatment and disposal with limiting standard laid down by the Pollution Control Board (PCB)

Zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) is an advanced engineering approach to the water treatment process in which all wastewater is purified and recycled reducing the contaminants to solid waste leaving zero discharge at the end
ZLD technologies consist traditionally of brine concentrators and crystallizers that use thermal evaporation to turn the brine into highly purified water and solid dry product. Deur’s cost-effective ZLD treatments are economical and produce clean water that is suitable for reuse.
Ultra filtration (UF) is a low-pressure-driven purification process where the fluid is placed under pressure on one side of a perforated membrane having a different pore dimension. Preferentially to separate bacteria, viruses, fine suspensions, high molecular weight compounds, colloidal and particulate matters from a feed stream
Deur is a leading name in the field of offering Ultra filtration plants. This helps in efficiently separating particles on basis of their molecular sizes Deur’s Ultrafiltration Control Systems act as advanced Industrial Filtration System and find application as a pre-treatment step to reverse the osmosis process.

Industries we serve

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